IED-ASEAN - Projects
REDEO - Rural Electrification Decentralized Energy Options
Brochure REDEO
ARMINES/CEP Association pour la Recherche des Méthodes et Processus Industriels / Centre Energétique et Procédés (Center for Energy and Processes)
Asian Institute of Technology Energy Field of Study
Newsletter n°1 - November 03
Newsletter n°2 - September 04
Newsletter n°3 - February 05
Newsletter n°4 - September 2005 Article in the "EE News" (newsletter of the Regional Energy Resources Information Center)
Activity 2: Assessment of existing software programmes and areas of application for CLV
A detailed review of existing software programmes for rural electrification, and aread of application for CLV has been conducted during the project. To synthesize this review, a much detailed report has been produced. It contains detailed databases explaining for each software the area of application and relevance for specific CLV context.
Final report
Activity 3: In country evaluation of software programmes and specification of needed developments
The project team has assessed the potential use of the existing software programmes for rural electrification planning in CLV countries, at provincial level. The conclusion of this activity was that such a tool do not exist at all yet.
The specifications of needed developments have thus been an important activity of the project.
Activity 4: Development and test of the planning software in selected countries
A prototype version of the REDEO tool has been developped during the project and used to conduct case studies on provinces in Cambodia and and Lao PDR REDEO Prototype Tool User Guide
Case study on Oudomxay Province in Lao PDR
Case study on Kampong Speu province, in Cambodia
Activity 5: Review on planning frameworks for Rural Electrification in Developing Countries
Various rural electrification planning frameworks have been reviewed during the project. The selected countries were:
- Cambodia, Lao PDR and Vietnam
- Indonesia
- The Philippines
- Brazil
- Bangladesh
Cambodia, Lao PDR and Vietnam
The Philippines
Activity 6: Discussion workshop
The final workshop of the REDEO project took place at Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, in July 2005. Slides discussed on June 31
Slides discussed on July 1st
Proceedings of the workshop
Feedback from the participants