GEOSIM - Geospatial Rural Electrification Planning
GEOSIM is a GIS based software designed for quickly creating highly interactive rural electrification planning scenarios.
Strengthened by a rich heritage based on rural electrification planning experiences and developped in several countries, GEOSIM is now used by numbers of organisations, private companies and public institutions in Asia and Africa. With a fully documented set of 4 main modules, GEOSIM has become the most innovative and powerful geospatial rural electrification planning tool software exploiting all the power of the GIS capability.
GEOSIM offers various benefits to users:
- An easy-to-use graphical user interface that simplifies the management and publishing of rural electrification planning results.
- The customisation of every aspect of rural electrification scenarios and the rapid integration of specific parameters and hypothesis is today accessible to all.
- A wide range of renewable options is studied for rural electrification planning allowing a maximal flexibility to users for designing effective plans taking into account ground realities.
GEOSIM© A Geographic Information System (GIS) based Rural Electrification planning tool dedicated to electrification planning studies and identification of project portfolios.
Based on the upstream identification of development poles and load forecast, GEOSIM© selects priority projects within the targeted territory and proposes least cost electrification solutions among the following supply options: : grid extension, mini hydro, biomass, diesel, solar and wind hybrids...
GEOSIM methodology through its 4 main modules
GEOSIM Spatial Analyst ®
Through the concepts of Development Poles and hinterlands (or attraction areas), GEOSIM Spatial Analyst® identifies and analyses settlements with high potential for social and economic development which should be electrified first, so as to maximise impact of rural electrification
In the present situation of scarce resource and unprofitable rural electrification projects, GEOSIM Spatial Analyst® strives to optimise the mandatory public subsidy by targeting in priority projects which will benefit to the largest number of people through access to improved social services (health, education, drinking water, etc.) and local economic opportunities (business, employment, etc.).
GEOSIM Demand Analyst ®
Demand Analyst is an specialized tool for forecasting village or cluster of villages demand. By its "bottom-up" approach the model allows to predict reliable demand in the medium and long term in an accurate and realistic way. It can be used for both planning studies and feasibility studies.
GEOSIM Network Options ®
Before actually undertaking least-cost sizing of decentralised supply options, the Network Options® modules first defines the areas concerned by rural electrification, i.e. areas not likely to be connected to the grid in the near future. This forecast of the national grid network is done by either entering directly the forecasted grid extensions as input data, or by simulating the extension of the national grid, taking into account several possible constraints (distance to substations, investment budgets, available energy on the grid…). Then the module finds the best decentralised options to supply electricity to previously identified Development Poles and their surrounding settlements, using one of the following methods: Selected projects are those with the lowest actualized cost of electricity or technologies are ranked by preference.
The following options are studied:
- MV Grid extension,
- Diesel hydrid solutions (with PV or wind generation),
- Solar powerplant (with or withouth energy storage),
- Biomass powered mini-grids (gazification or cogeneration),
- Mini-Hydro powered mini-grids
A portfolio of optimized least cost projects is provided including a full least cost economic analysis and cartography.
GEOSIM Distributed Energy ®
Module for pre-electrification programs
Access to basic energy services is a necessity for settlements located far from development poles and not electrified at the planning horizon.
Based on GEOSIM Spatial Analyst® and GEOSIM Network Options® results, GEOSIM Distributed Energy® identifies localities and settlements that should benefit from projects oriented towards access to basic energy services from alternatives sources (photovoltaic systems, multifunctional platforms, etc...). This modules provides systems sizing and related required investments for targeted areas.
Minimal configuration
- GIS software Manifold© (included) compatible MAPINFO, ARCGIS, AUTOCAD, QGIS…
- Windows 7, 10, 11
- Plateform .NET 4.6
- Available language : FR / EN
Target Audience
Electrification agencies, Consulting companies, National utilities, National institutions and Ministries, Universities and technical training institutions, researchersReferences
Software recommended by ASEAN-ACE and CLUB-ER, and already implemented in many countries:
Lao PDR, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Tanzania, Guinea Bissau, Madagascar, Gambia, Mauritania, Congo Brazzaville, Namibia, Ghana, Mali, Niger, Peru, Ghana ...
General presentation and references
Tutorials and Training
Technical Papers and Published Research
- Planning tools and methodologies for rural electrification, Club-ER, p 45-47,"Guide des bonnes pratiques"
- Tanzania : Geospatial Rural Electrification Planning, Club-ER,
- Proposition technico-économique de localités à électrifier par systèmes d’énergies renouvelables au Bénin, IED, Mai 2010
Off Grid Electrification Master plan for Benin, IED, Nov 2016
- Taming a Wicked Problem: Energy Access Planning From an Energy-Poor Perspective, Gibson, Harold D. , Harvard Thesis 2017
- National Electrification Program Prospectus for Tanzania, IED, 2013
- CApacity and institutional strenghtening for Rural Electrification Decentralized Energy Option, IED, Laos & Cambodia, 2010
- Sustainable Rural Electrification Plans for Cambodia, IED, 2014
- Best practises of the Alliance for Rural Electrification, p9, ARE, 2011
- The cost and benefits of electrifying rural Ghana, Copenhagen Consensus Center, 2020
- Electrification planning with focus on hybrid mini-grids -A comprehensive modelling approach for the Global South, IRES, March 2016
- Low Carbon Mini-grid, IED, 2013
- Poverty Alleviation Through Cleaner Energy from Agro Industries in Africa PACEAA - Rural Electrifciation Plan Kipchoria, IED, 2009
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