GEOSIM - Geospatial Rural Electrification Planning

logoGeosimGEOSIM is a GIS based software designed for quickly creating highly interactive rural electrification planning scenarios.

Strengthened by a rich heritage based on rural electrification planning experiences and developped in several countries, GEOSIM is now used by numbers of organisations, private companies and public institutions in Asia and Africa. With a fully documented set of 4 main modules, GEOSIM has become the most innovative and powerful geospatial rural electrification planning tool software exploiting all the power of the GIS capability.

GEOSIM offers various benefits to users:

- An easy-to-use graphical user interface that simplifies the management and publishing of rural electrification planning results.
- The customisation of every aspect of rural electrification scenarios and the rapid integration of specific parameters and hypothesis is today accessible to all.
- A wide range of renewable options is studied for rural electrification planning allowing a maximal flexibility to users for designing effective plans taking into account ground realities.

GEOSIM© A Geographic Information System (GIS) based Rural Electrification planning tool dedicated to electrification planning studies and identification of project portfolios.
Based on the upstream identification of development poles and load forecast, GEOSIM© selects priority projects within the targeted territory and proposes least cost electrification solutions among the following supply options: : grid extension, mini hydro, biomass, diesel, solar and wind hybrids...

GEOSIM  methodology through its 4 main modules