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Dec 2018. New release of GISELEC

giselec logoThe new powerfull version 3 of Giselec. Here's everything you need to know before any update.

Which operating Systems concerned ?

  • Windows 7
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 10

July 2018. Regional Electricity Access Plan of ECOWAS

IED was mandated by the World Bank to carry out a geospatial planning of the electrification in order to realize the initial designs and the cost estimation of the infrastructures BT and MT necessary to connect the households present in the perimeter of the 13 OMVS and OMVG substations located in four countries (Mali, Guinea Bissau, Gambia and Mauritania.

The study was conducted according to two axes for each of the three countries concerned by the study: densification of electrification in already electrified towns and villages, and extension of the network. IED used geospatial planning software GEOSIM to perform this analysis. In particular, the software was used to forecast households' demand for electrification, optimize the choice of villages to be electrified, optimize the layout of the networks to be built and the economic analysis of the electrification of the targeted villages. .



Sept 2017. Restitution Workshop of the Off-grid Electrification Policy and Master Plan

IED conducted the " Study to Establish an Off-Grid Electrification Enabling Environment" in Benin, funded by the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC, USA). The project aimed at setting up an enabling political, technical, institutional and financial environment to facilitate small private entrepreneurs’ involvement in the off-grid electrification sub-sector. The Policy document and the off-grid electrification Master Plan, prepared thanks to the software GEOSIM, were validated by the Steering Committee of the project on September 14th, 2017, in the presence of the institutional players of the electricity sector (ARE, DGE, SBEE, ABERME, ANADER). The final documents were presented to the Council of Ministers for official approval.

Document (in french) can be downloaded on the following link:


April 2016. IED buys Systems Europe software

IED, already publisher of specialized GEOSIM and GISELEC software for the rural electrification sector, integrates into its range of planning solutions, DAP, GAP, NAP and REBAN software to the former Belgian company SYSTEMS EUROPE in order to complete its software offer to its customers. The IED solutions thus cover all the issues linked to the planning of HV networks and energy generation as well as the reduction of losses on the distribution networks. LAPER and LAP software, older and covered by the new GEOSIM and GISELEC tools, will not be marketed and replaced by the latter software.

June 2014. National Electrification Workshop in Tanzania

Financed by NORAD, the National Electrification Program Prospectus was presented by IED on June 19th 2014 in Dar Es Salaam at Blue Pearl Hotel for a national workshop organized in collaboration with the Rural Energy Agency (REA).

The objectives  of the document achieved after 2 years's work, was to provide an outline of nation-wide electrification program for Tanzania (on-grid, off-grid, other technologies) providing the basis for coordinated investments and capacity building efforts of stakeholders (Government, donors, private sector) until 2022. A geospatial approach through GEOSIM tool was particularly used to evaluate investment needs on grid extension. The PROSPECTUS also identified required implementation measures, indicating the costs of the proposed electrification program and reflecting on financing issues.

The document can be donwloaded on the following link